Monday, 17 September 2007

Tale of two chocolate cakes...

Jude was seven on 9 September, and he requested a chocolate cake to celebrate...

Then on 15 September he went on his Birthday Treat to see Millwall* with some of his friends and then came home for a Birthday Tea... and another chocolate cake (with white mice and lots of Jazzies!) Well it's not everyday you're seven.

Happy Birthday my Lovely Boy... xxx

(*shame they lost 2-1 to Walsall)

My Prize Tomato...

... isn't it gorgeous!

Sunday, 16 September 2007

... you're only one step away from youtube...

I come on the computer to (maybe) start an essay and before I know it, I'm watching this...

some feat TBH because you can't get much further away from writing about Reflective Practice than Mr Lydon...

Oh it takes me back... I spent hours, and I mean hours listening to him in my past... enjoy!

and then...

Tuesday, 11 September 2007


... one of the best things on telly at the moment, watch and enjoy...

(apart from Brian winning ... it was the finest bit of the BigBrother Finale - what a canny bit of marketing...)

Wednesday, 5 September 2007

In training for 2012 Olympics...

... well maybe not - but after the August break - it's time to resume a new term of gymnastics...

She's been going since she was 18 months so maybe the 2016 Games??

and... it is the ONLY time we ever have hair tied back...

Monday, 3 September 2007

Best Pizzeria in Town!

By the end you couldn't see pizza for olives... but never mind!

Strawberry Jam...

Last year's supply was dwindling - so it was time to make some more!

SO there are now about 18 jars to keep everyone going (plus the Blackberry jam we made last weekend)...

Tuesday, 28 August 2007

A back to nature sort of day...

Yesterday we had a lovely day out at the London Wetlands Centre

Southbank, Antony Gormley & Ramen Noodles...

A short bus ride for another day out by the Thames...

Wednesday, 22 August 2007

Isle of Wight...

27 July - 11 August 2007

Another fab two weeks was had by all...

Thursday, 26 July 2007

My friend Janine...

I haven't posted for nearly a month. I've been busy with children, writing assignments, MSLC meetings and the usual of lifes ups and downs...

Every now and then something happens that stops you in your tracks, and makes you wake up to what you have in life.

My friend Janine gave birth to her little boy Jamie on Monday 9th July at 12.30pm.

He had an osoephagheal atresia and the surgeons operated that night. The operation was not a success, they were not able to sew together the two pieces of tube as the stitches kept coming apart.

He also needed heart surgery which took place two days later. Surgery was only supposed to last for a couple of hours, but it turned into twelve, and sadly this operation couldn't help Jamie either.

Jamie died at 10.35pm on Thursday July 12th.

He was three days old.

Campaign to stop formula advertising

My life before children, and my life now are joining up!

Whilst wearing my Graphic-Designer-Hat-Pre-Babies, I worked for Save the Children... and they are now joining forces with NCT and UNICEF on the never ending battle with formula advertising. Good on you SCF!

Not quite sure about the animation tho'... Little Jack's breastfeeding position seems a little odd, and it seems he can feed through his Mum's dress... but still the message is what counts!

and PLEASE do click below and sign our petition...

Wednesday, 27 June 2007

A Wet Sunday...

A good (and free) thing to do on a rainy Sunday with kids...

(Take a picnic and eat it in the Turbine Hall!)

Monday, 18 June 2007

Sunday, 17 June 2007

A Piece of History...

Jude and Ivo, and their school were the 1st performers in the newly refurbished Royal Festival Hall.,,2100303,00.html

awwww it was SO moving...

We're so lucky to live near the SouthBank - it's a magical place...

Friday, 1 June 2007

My Garden...

I'm sometimes better at saying things with flowers...