Monday, 14 May 2007

Chocolate Mousse...

... it's been a very wet weekend, and N has been on a training course... so I've been chief child entertainer...

What started out as a plan to make Chocolate Cornflake Cakes... turned into "we want to make Chocolate Mousse"... as Jude & Ivo discovered a picture in our favourite Hugh F-W "Family Cookbook"...

So at 8.20am on Saturday morning - we were whisking egg yolks & sugar, melting chocolate and generally having a good time (albeit at times stressful, as the temptation to eat the mixture got too much for Ivo & Sid...)

The egg-white whisking with the electric whisk was a particular hit... although it did all get a bit "Doctor Who" towards the end of the process!

The end resulting 11 (the 12th was eaten for quality control by 3 small-quality-controllers...) mouses (sic) looked wonderful in their mismatched little bowls...

At teatime- they didn't last long!

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